Sunday, January 10, 2010

Just Finished: Tender at the Bone by Ruth Reichl

As a foodie, it was only a matter of time that I discovered this book. While shopping this last December, I found it at a local bookstore, and feeling so full of masochistic holiday spirit, halfheartedly added it to my Christmas list the minute I arrived home that evening.  Of course, I knew Ruth Reichl by reputation from Gourmet magazine and from a few TV specials, but hadn't realized she had written a memoir of her early years. 

Tender at the Bone is an engaging read, overflowing with love of life and food, and a hint of humor.  From discussing her unconventional family to boarding school in Montreal on thru her college years, the chapters read more like stand alone short stories, but the "moral" of each is a recipe or a special meal that is linked to a turning point in Reichl's life. 

This is the book I wish I could have written.  I don't want to be Ruth Reichl, (although I do envy her career like nobody's business)  but I envy the way that she managed to write such an amazing culinary love letter. 

Tender at the Bone is a literary Moussaka; it could be a disaster in a lesser cook's kitchen, but made with a master's hand it's rich, velvety layers are something to be savored.  And this book should definitely be savored!

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