Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Happy Birthday, Mr. Poe!!!

Let us raise our glasses today to Edgar Allan Poe, who is 202 years old today!!! I lurves me some Poe, who today remains the master of gothic poetry and prose, and is considered the father of the detective story and the grandfather of Science Fiction.  Cheers, Mr. Poe!!!!

Some Poe Trivia....

The Baltimore Ravens are named after Poe's famous poem, The Raven(I had to memorize The Raven in the 8th Grade, and I still remember the first two stanzas-even when drunk.  Mr. Poe would be proud.)

While attending West Point, Poe told his classmates that he was the grandson of Benedict Arnold.  Not even close to the truth.

For 60 years, from 1949 thru 2009, on the eve of Poe' birthday, the infamous Poe Toaster has a bottle of cognac and three roses at Poe's grave.

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